
“If you stay within your limits, your limits will grow.”

Stay with that sentence a moment, as I did during my online Feldenkrais lesson this morning.

If you stay within your limits, they will grow.


I am sometimes obsessed with the sense of my limitations – my sense of not having enough time, not doing enough exercise, not writing enough, not spending enough time with a particular family member or friend, not sleeping enough, not reading enough to help my patients more…in general, I am not enough of this or that…

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There were many less blueberries by the time we left the pancake stand at the healthfood store

SO what if, for just a moment, my limitations were not the end of the world. And what if I played the game of accepting my limitations, of course in the hope they will stretch, but okay, just watching the mind as I bargain for more, but still acting within my limits.

Such as right now: It’s 11:24 and at 12:15 I have to go pick up Shir from his (perfect) day-care (that we finally found), leaving me less than an hour to write this blog, get annoyed at my camera for not downloading all the adorable photos I took of Shir eating pancakes at the healthfood store (you will have to imagine that), cleaning the house (I am officially sick of that), transferring the laundry to the dryer, taking a hot shower (oops, too late for that, forgot to turn on the hot water), working on translations (don’t feel like that anyway), typing up my notes from the course I took on Native American Medicine Cards (it’s good I never get to that, because then I always feel I have something really “worthy” on my “to do” list other than life-maintenance chores), and the list goes on.

But what did I do this morning in my limited time?

I talked to my mother.

I hugged Ron for a few precious moments before he went out to work.

I did a Feldenkrais class.

I neatened my desk.

I browsed the papers from Income Tax, thinking I really should fill out those forms in the near future when I can actually look at them without hyperventilating at the same time.

And here I am.

Just made a date for tomorrow with my Feldenkrais teacher who spent the last month in Kenya.

There is a fullness in my heart.

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Thirty minutes of fun on a toy car that moves nowhere! Now THAT’s freedom within limitations!

Off to the laundry. And it’s still only 11:39. Time has just stretched.

Much love to you all. And think about it, there is a fullness in the acceptance of our inevitable partiality, a growth in the knowing of our limitations.